In addition to Light Therapy there are other helpful products.

I am focused on providing my clients with the best products and services available. I cannot do it all though, please follow the links to my partners.

Promo Life

Hydrogen is one of the most powerful antioxidants available. Some studies have shown that hydrogen may decrease the effects of oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and possibly boost athletic performance by lowering levels of blood lactate. The hydrogen molecule is so small that it can penetrate the blood brain barrier. Learn More Here

Try Blue

TryBlue was born out of my need for an easy and convenient way to obtain so many vitamins and good things from nature and be in a 'small package'.  As I begun hearing the important benefits of Shikimic Acid, my focus turned to the natural materials where this element was most prevalent. White Pine Needles, Star Anise and Fennel Seeds which contain various strengths of shikimic acid had to be made available to promote good health and eventually piece of mind that I would be able to remain healthy. These three elixirs were my original products and I soon added Organic Dandelion Greens Elixir to provide the option to detox the kidneys and liver. Other products now included Colloidal Silver, Black Cumin Seed Elixir, Wild Stinging Nettle Elixir and Packed Purple Immune Booster Elixir! Learn More Here

Activate Your Stem Cells

As we age, our stem cells decline in their ability to heal our bodies. Imagine if we could activate our stem cells and reset them to support wellness and health. This would boost vitality in a completely non-invasive, safe and cost-effective way. Learn More Here

Body Align - Align Your Body Align Your Life…

At Body Align™, we believe a properly balanced body is the foundation of good health, and we have developed a system that provides the Next Evolution in Wellness.

Use Code for a discount:  2bb

Somavedic - The Ultimate EMF Effects mitigation device

Thanks to high-tech's lightening-fast innovation efforts, Wi-Fi, smartphones, and wearables are making our lives easier and more comfortable than ever before. But there is a price for this comfort, and we aren’t speaking about it much - the long-term harm all these wireless devices are having on our bodies. This is why we've developed Somavedic – to mitigate these negative effects.

Use the discount code:   LeadingHealthInsights  to get 10% off. Learn More Here